
Custom completion message

Show your own message to a player when the puzzle is completed - fully customizable with loads of features

Setting up your message

Whenever a player completes a puzzle, the completion message is shown if you have enabled it. By default, there is no completion message.

Starting your own message is as easy as going to the Premium-tab and enabling 'Show message'

This will give you access to all kinds of extra features to tweak the look and feel of your message.

Setting up your message

Adding the basics

The most common way to start tweaking the message is by changing the header text, body message and if you like, adding an image.

The body text does not allow any HTML, but you can always refer players to more extended content on your own website via the next feature.

Adding the basics

Adding a call to action

In many cases, completing a puzzle is a nice way to trigger the player to engage with some sort of next activity that you have in mind.

The external link to your website where this next step takes place, can be fully customized in terms of:

  • link text
  • link target
  • show as button or text
  • show the call to action above or below the body message
Adding a call to action


Solving a puzzle can take up quite some time and thus it should be rewarded!

Enabling the 'Show confetti' option triggers an infinite rain of animated confetti within the completion message once the puzzle is completed. Definitely one of the most favourite features!


Gathering player submissions

The completion message also allows you to ask who has completed your puzzle. The info collected here can be used to determine a winner, a check for who participated or whatever use case you can think of.

The form fields shown to the player can be handpicked and thus allow you to only ask for as little required information as possible, making it as privacy-friendly as you like.

Gathering player submissions

Encouraging players to submit info

Since in some cases you really want to semi-force players to submit their info (to collect a certain kind of reward for instance), you can hide an extra 'thank you message' and the earlier described call to action (link/button) until the player submits the form.

You can hint at this in the regular message and then give the reward info (maybe a secret code) after the players enters their info.

Encouraging players to submit info

Adding a Leaderboard

Since many people like using puzzles to set up their own competitions, a leaderboard is a much requested feature. And so, it has been built!

To activate it, make sure you have enabled the following settings:

  • Premium > Show message
  • Premium > Collect user info
  • Premium > Keep track of stats

After enabling these option, a 'Show leaderboard' setting will pop up below the 'Collect user info fields' setting. These info fields will be used to display the entry in the leaderboard, together with the time tracked via 'Keep track of stats'

Enabling the leaderboard will make the data added to the leaderboard 'public'. So only do this if you are sure that the contestant data can be shared with the people that have access to the link. You can also strengthen the privacy by enabling as few info fields as possible (only 'First name' for example).

If you ever want to close down the leaderboard, disabling the 'Show leaderboard' setting is the way to go, this will close down any public visibility/availability of the data as well.

Adding a Leaderboard